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Healing Grace The Podcast with Candace Dalton

Jun 25, 2019

This episode is short, but has THREE fun intuition exercise games!  Before you listen to this episode, take a moment to listen to my Chakra Meditation on Season 1 Episode 8, so you can really tune in to this fun episode! Grab a piece of paper, pen, meditate, relax and have some fun with these...

Jun 11, 2019

It is so easy to let negative energy and negative people shoot down our beliefs and gifts.  I talk about interactions I have had in the past with skeptics and how I am able to handle it now versus then.  I feel lucky enough to have incredible family & friends that support my gift so I talk about the scary feels...

Jun 4, 2019

This episode has a whole shmorgishborg of goodies!  (I definitely had to look up on Google how to spell that).  I answer questions from those who called in and I gave a reading to the hosts of 'Glass Full of Soul Podcast' and bring through some amazing spirits! Make sure to subscribe and rate...